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Thoughts & Inspiration

A few short months ago I remember a day where I questioned myself being a part of The World Race altogether. I was less than week from my first $5000 deadline with a ways to go and no pending donations. I thought to myself, “You must have been outside your mind trying to do something like this. Who do you think you are? Why would you even think this was an option?” Not 48 hours later I had not only blown past my first deadline but my second deadline as well. I sat in awe of God’s goodness…and cried. This became a pattern continuing throughout my fundraising journey even up to the very moment of me writing this now, crying in a coffee shop, my fundraising goal completely shattered and then some. 


Over and over I have been overwhelmed by His love, each donation being more than just a donation. I’ve had deep conversations I’d never dreamed of having with people I’d never dreamed of having them with. I’ve watched him restore relationships right before my eyes. I’ve been freed from shame with women of my past I didn’t even know I was carrying. I’ve had the privilege of seeing those around me, not even necessarily close by, grow exponentially. I’ve grown in my faith with every step in ways I still can’t quite fathom. He continues to do so much with so little. I take a step towards Him so small it can hardly be recognized as a step, and He completely blows it out of proportion in every direction…again, and again, and again. He’s answered prayers I don’t even feel comfortable praying. He gives to the point that I’m uneasy. The work He’s done in me alone is more than enough, yet His love pushes past that relentlessly. 


I spent many seasons of my life walking around filled with anger, unforgiveness, stress and anxiety. At any moment I would overflow with rage or tears, usually both, spilling onto those closest to me (thankfully I was alone for a decent amount of these). I realized recently that I now similarly feel full. I’m quick to overflow with joy and tears anytime I see Him moving and others transforming. It’s because I am full, to the brim, with His love. It’s a love I can’t comprehend and cannot contain and pours out everywhere I go. It’s a love that sees not only every awful thing I’ve done but every awful thing I will do, and does not waver. It’s a love so powerful and so consuming that I want every person alive to experience it. Just a glimpse, just the smallest taste, and your life will never be the same. It’s a love I am so undeserving of, a love so incredible that an entire life dedicated to His glory won’t even begin my thank you letter. 


For those that have supported me throughout this time, I’m truly eternally grateful. You are such a big part of the love I’ve received and I can’t wait to see the growth that’s taken place when I return. This fundraising journey has been wild and full of challenges, but if it’s any precursor to the journey that’s about to take place, it’s going to be absolutely incredibly life-altering. I love you all very much.



2 responses to “What Did I Just Witness?”

  1. DUDE! Bless the Lord for his faithful provision!!! He’s so good!

    I’m excited to meet you tomorrow!!!

    Love ya,


  2. Wow this paragraph really tugged at my heart. It reminds me of the way I used to tell my testimony and makes me want to tell it like that again – so raw and real and this thing PREACHES.

    “I spent many seasons of my life walking around filled with anger, unforgiveness, stress and anxiety. At any moment I would overflow with rage or tears, usually both, spilling onto those closest to me (thankfully I was alone for a decent amount of these). I realized recently that I now similarly feel full. I’m quick to overflow with joy and tears anytime I see Him moving and others transforming. It’s because I am full, to the brim, with His love. It’s a love I can’t comprehend and cannot contain and pours out everywhere I go. It’s a love that sees not only every awful thing I’ve done but every awful thing I will do, and does not waver. It’s a love so powerful and so consuming that I want every person alive to experience it. Just a glimpse, just the smallest taste, and your life will never be the same. It’s a love I am so undeserving of, a love so incredible that an entire life dedicated to His glory won’t even begin my thank you letter.”

    I’m proud that we get to have Jordan Jost on our squad. What a gift!